Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Across Cultures

 Love transcends across cultures. 
The Asian family tie is especially strong and during festive seasons, it is almost mandatory that people travel hundreds of miles just to be in the company of loved ones; for reconciliation and affirmation.The family tie and togetherness is a mark of respect for older folks and siblings.Though wrongs have been committed; it is hopefully forgiven in the spirit of love. 
Life is after all a stage; what is the performance we want to create?

 I walked into a local mall last Saturday to gather some ingredients for Sara's day and I could not but help notice the display of garments for sale. People buy new clothes in celebration of the new season and join in the fun. However, I beg to be different. I love to bundle myself in familiar ones and just relax under the comfort of old clothes. It makes the holidays warmer; to be with familiarity.

 This is the Baju Melayu; a favourite of  the local Malay males.It is traditional that they wear them in family gatherings; then to relax in them.Some families even go to the extent of putting on the same color scheme among the males to define oneness. The Malay culture has it that the children be taught respect when they kiss the hands of the father and mother to ask for forgiveness for actions done throughout the year. When they do that, it evokes a sense of gratitude and respect. This is taught from young.

 Though many had gone home to their villages, quite some stayed back to celebrate in the city. I believe many ties may have been severed in the villages when families start to migrate to the city. In the generations to come, more local homes would have been established in bigger cities.

  When a festival is on, everyone celebrates in Malaysia; be it the Malays, Chinese, Indians or Caucasians. I also took the opportunity to ride home. When with my parents, the main topic is always food. So we found ourselves in a local hawker centre and it was not surprising to see a sea of faces. Hahaha; Malaysia is truly unique. The races read one another quite well and celebrate together come what season. You should see the malls and their decors for Christmas ! You will be flabbergasted.

When the girls' father asked to be fed an 'oyster with egg' dish, my father took it upon himself to fulfil his wish.

 At 93, he is adamant that his son-in-law's crave be met. This is my father's love for his children.He stood there waiting for his turn and yes, the oyster he must get for him. Quietly, he goes about doing what is appropriate in life. He has taught me diligence and honest living. He has seen much in life and he is not spared of heartaches.But he deliberates on and look at life with a new hope each day. He teaches me to love my children through thick and thin; to support them in all the ups and downs of life; to be available for them whenever possible; to be a mother in big and small ways. My father is sturdy and I look at him with gratitude and thank God each day for the earthly father he has given me.
Such love my father has for us that we love to be around him.

In this season of a new year for the Muslims in the country, let us remember the song of love for one another.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

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