Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Rupture

Ignorance is not bliss; it can produce fear.

Sometimes we refuse to think of the worst; we overcome fears by consoling ourselves that nothing can be worse than a possible bad situation. So it is good to share some experiences so that if you do find yourself in the same dilemma , you will not be so afraid.
It was just one of those days when it did not rain but poured.
He had quite a morning when a pail of paint toppled and messed up the car.As usual, he thought he could salvage the pail of paint but his kung fu acts caused him to ram against a curb and yes, a dent appeared.He doesn't concede to defeat easily so he tried to restore the dent; with some success.Then he tried to clear the messy paint. Why go through the hassle? He doesn't give up easily; does he? Yes he MUST clear it...but sometimes one must concede to the fact there are masters of trade; that he only needs to send to the workshop.
The harsh one tore, replaced, cleared and wiped like a mad man; only to make the idiomatic expression come true: Penny wise , Pound foolish.
In the process of cleaning, he hurt his finger.

There was this sudden loss of control over the finger. The last segment of the middle finger could not be restored to its original state.In a layman's eyes what could have happened? Will it recover by itself with some ointment?

The first instinct was to call the daughter. "Grace, why is daddy's finger like that?" The interrogation came in; has he been rough with it? So the story went on and on..."Daddy needs help. He has torn his tendon.Go see an orthopedic surgeon." Was it really that serious? Will it not be restored by itself? Will dad see a doctor? He told me he would see about it the next morning.
So throughout the night he plastered his finger so that it was restored to its original state.
The phone rang...
"Mum, send dad to me and I will get my friends to help him" the daughter said. 
It had been confirmed by Dr. Lee that he needed orthopedic procedure.
The obstinate one now knew some fear.
So, the dear wife made a decision. No need to go down; just pop over to the nearest hospital.

Lo and behold; he was told that it is not uncommon to happen to people whose work involve the use of hands.

The treatment?

Hahaha...look at it.

Yes, all it needed he was told was to get the finger bandaged, straightened and wrapped for a period of 6 weeks! So he had a good time signing cheques last night. The surgeon told him about another alternative; to have a minor surgery to insert a steel plate as was done to a dentist a previous time, so that normal work could be performed.
That will be gruesome; so he decided on the simpler procedure; stuck with it for 6 weeks. The doctor also said the human body will miraculously heal by itself after that period of time. If the finger is not bandaged and straightened it may never be able to be in its original state again.
Though simple; the procedure was necessary.
No medication; just the procedure.

So what do you learn?
Bandage yourself and save RM250.00; all done in 15 minutes. gentle.

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