Sunday, October 21, 2012


After half a day at Windsor, it was time again to move on. Dad suggested we go straight to visit the Abbots but Sara wanted to see the last of Reading, the town where she completed her degree.

In Southern England, Reading is about 40 minutes away from London. So, Sara was given the task of leading dad into the highways of the outskirts again. Though we did miss out some turnings, dad was quick to reroute and praised the maps of UK. He said we can always be on the right track if we examine the routes carefully. So while Sara led, it was full concentration.

Reading was on the way to dad's friend's house; a mere 14 miles away from Windsor. So, very soon we arrived at the university town.

Sara wanted to look at the town centre and so we parked at the Oracle; a major shopping outlet here.
But I read that the town has a population of about a quarter million; Subang Jaya has double the population. No wonder there are so many shopping malls around our area.

The Thames again flows right across the town and shoppers enjoy the view each time they shop.

When you watch the TLC channel on Astro you are bound to be entertained by this famous chef: Jamie.

Here too you will find major outlet names and Sara recalled the weekly trips she made here during her stay. This was a place to vent out her energy. She admitted that though times could be tough at some moments; it carved out the spirit of independence and survival in her. Unlike right now where she is served hand and foot. She is fortunate while Allie is around...

While strolling through the town, I noticed people of various nationalities; in particular the Indians. Reading is very cosmopolitan and it being a mere 40 minutes away from London, has turned out to be a favourite place to raise young families. It is universal to agree that when one starts a family, the children would be first considerations.Who would want to raise young children in the complexities of a busy city? You need to be away at the outskirts to allow family time and nurturing. When you are still single, anything and everything goes but when the responsibility of the home comes in, the scenario changes. You suddenly grow up; the urge to protect naturally arises. So you seek the best solution for the young.
Reading seems to be a perfect education center.
Here many public and privates schools are ready to serve the public.
Universities here too play a prominent role in the education for the UK; in particular 
the University of Reading .

The University of Reading has a law programme with Taylor's during Sara's time when she completed her A levels. Being near home and coming from a reliable institution, we found it appropriate to follow the programme.So Sara did her first 2 years back home before joining Reading in the UK.Occasionally, she still harped on the decision we made. She would have loved to do all three years in the UK. I believe what she makes out of the degree in the future counts more. Many have dropped out as lawyers in the pursuit of other ventures.So we will watch and see.

Taylor's back home prepared her well. She met many friends and lecturers who have turned out to be great pals.

Last July was the convocation ceremony in the University of Reading.
The degree allowed her to complete her bar studies.

At an unprecedented occasion, 4 of SMK Seafield's protegees graduated at the convocation and I had the privilege of being with them. What a memorable day ! That's Cassandra, Chai Jin, Sher Hann and Sara.

Sara bade her farewell.

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